A downloadable game

Get ready to harvest some serious fun in our new game, Celestial Wheatfield! You’ll be tasked with cultivating a bountiful crop to repay your debt to society, but watch out for those pesky creatures lurking in the fields. They might look cute, but they can get feisty if you don’t keep an eye on them. Think you have what it takes to survive the pace of work required of prisoners ? Play now and find out!

Move with WASD or arrows, rotate your scythe and slice with the mouse.

Refil the silo before the end of the time otherwise you loose. Finish every mission and you’ll be free. Each time you finish a mission you get a free perks from the corporation.

Music here : https://on.soundcloud.com/yxGWL

Ludum Dare : https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/52/celestial-wheatfield


Celestial_Wheatfield.zip 44 MB

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